Buying Stuff vs Experiences

Have you ever wondered whether buying something will make you happy? Maybe it's that new car, that new phone, or the clothes, stuff to make your home look more nicer.

Does More Money Make You Happier?

Money does have some effect on our happiness levels, but only to a certain point. Studies showed that anymore than 75,000 USD per year, the level of satisfaction that comes from making more money kind of plateau off, so what is the reason behind it?

Well we humans have developed to get used to luxuries of life and our lives are always built on standard, and once you reach a certain level of standard and comfort, you can't go below it and when you do, you feel unhappy, but our level of pleasure derived from one source diminishes as we get more and more of it.

Imagine eatin a cake. You are happy for the first few slices, but as you eat more cake everyday and when it's abundant, it does not feel as good or tasty when you just had it once in a while. So it's the same with money.

So what does that teach us about psychology? Well, we should be spending our money on experiences, and learning new things rather than accruing stuff. Because you can always buy the next big thing, but it will cause you to buy more and more stuff just to feel a little more high and better about yourself, until you are spending so much more money on things that don't really matter.

Yes, decorating your home and buying decorative throws pillows for couch can be all exciting at first, but you will get used to all the stuff that you just bought, and it's only a matter of time until you buying more stuff.

Buy Experiences Than Stuff

Instead, opt for travel experiences, and see the world. It will open your eyes to other possibilities and what is out there. Maybe you will fall in love, find the love of your life and live a different life. Maybe you will find your passion in life and discover a talent that you have not been aware of. Life is an adventure and the way to keep ourselves constantly happy is to challenge ourselves and keep trying new things.

Learn a new language, learn to cook, meet new people, expand your horizons, and get out of your comfort zone in order to open different parts of yourself that you may have not realized.

Studies after studies show that experiences and human connection bring more joy and happiness more than anything else.


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